Carer Support Cumbria is a carer services provider consortium formed from the county’s well-established carer support service providers. All of who have extensive experience in delivering contracted universal and targeted support services for unpaid carers of all ages from the age of five. All offering support to young carers, young adult carers, parent carers, adult carers, cared for and their families. All are experienced in delivering Assessments, Support Plans, Health and Wellbeing Support and associated personalised support services.
All carer organisations were instrumental in partnering CCC, NHS, GPs. Health and Social Care Agencies and Third Sector Providers in initiating county wide carer support services. All are active participants in strategic partnerships and practice networks partnering the statutory, third and voluntary sectors in promoting carer needs awareness, championing carers’ rights, improving service integration and carer outcomes. All work collaboratively to ensure provision of a cohesive county wide offer.
Carer organisations are members of either the Carers Trust or Carers UK and operate services aligned with Carers Charter standards. All have experienced and expert staff teams skilled in ensuring equitable access to urban and rural communities, to minority and seldom heard communities and in ensuring personalised support in a carer centred practice culture.
All have relevant experience in the management and delivery of carer support services under contract to Cumberland & Westmorland and Furness Councils, and have demonstrated their technical capacity in delivering personalised carer centred services by achieving all deliverables, outcomes and high levels of service user satisfaction.